Thursday, December 16, 2010

At the Zoo in Omaha, Nebraska.

Granddaughter Sadie at the Zoo in Omaha

Grandsons Caleb and James In Jungle at the Zoo.

Grandsons Kyle and Nathan on Jungle Bridge

Grant and Robin; smooching!

Choo-choo, Let's Go!

Grant and Robin, forever together!

Robin and Mary Jane are riding sisters!

Me with my lovely daughters at the Zoo.

Grant and Robin peekaboo!

Dennis and Lissie in the desert

Cousins Kyle and James.

Grammie loves being with family!

Here we are! It's so fun!

Eating Thanksgiving pie with the Grandchildren--Yum!

Dennis carving the turkey, Mary's helping Travis.

Nathan loves playing the piano- Grammie gives him lessons.

How sweet. I love it!

Aunt Marci had Thankful Turkey feathers for us.

Thanks, Marci!

We love playing racket ball--Sabrina, Gramma, and Lindsey.

Grammie gave Lindsey a rose after dance recital. Lindsey is a great dancer.

Me and Nathan on the 'Titanic'.
I had a fun year with my family. Here are some pictures/videos of our vacation in Denver, with Karl and DeAnna and their family, and in Missouri, with Grant and Dennis and their families.
This is our family at winter quarters, in Omaha, Nebraska.
This is Grant at the family dance we held in a rented ballroom at the hotel in Omaha. He's singing 'Fried Ham'. Everyone loved it!
Above, everyone is dancing to 'The Ebay Song'. It was a big hit!
Above, Robin is teaching Sadie to dance.
The next 7 pictures were from when the kids dressed up as pioneers in the Omaha visitors center.
I had a fun time with family this year. Here are some pictures from Denver, with Karl and DeAnna and their family, and Missouri, with Dennis and Grant and their families.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

My Christmas Pictures

This is my Brother Alvin and his
wife Doris, left and sister-in-law
Dolores. We rode horses and
my grandchildren rode the zip
line. We all had a lot of fun, sorry
we have no pictures of us on the
horses as I left the camera in the
ranch house and Lindsey's was out
of battery. Thanks Dolores for
driving us up. Thanks Alvin for all
the fun.

My grandchildren and me at the
Mesa AZ. temple grounds. Bob and
I have a picture of us on our honey
moon standing in front of the same
cactus gardens 46 years ago.

Granddaughter Lindsey and me
at the same temple.

Granddaughters Charlotte and
Rebekah and me swinging in the
Hammock at Son Dennis' place
in Missouri.

Grandson Caleb and me with
our beautiful fall leaves we
gathered in Missouri.

My granddaughter Jazmine
cheer leads. This is at one of
her games, her and me by the
football field. Missouri

Wow! an up and coming missionary
grandson, Bradley. Spends a lot
of time working and tracking with
the full time missionaries. He is
looking forward to his mission in
one and a half years.

I have fun golfing with grandsons
Kyle and Nathan.

Dennis' tractor that he takes
care of his 11 acres with. He
has a desk job, so really enjoys
getting out on his tractor. His
land is beautiful in Missouri.

Granddaughter Heidi and me
at the condo pool in Park City.

My Birthday at the condo in
Park City. We also went to the
Olympic Museum. It was fun.

I went to lots of football games
while in Missouri. but now pictures
because of the rain. This picture is
at a game of grandson Daniel with
My Son James as his coach here in Ut.

In Mesa AZ. at the condo pool
With granddaughters Heidi and

Granddaughter Savanna and
grandson Nathan in our condo
pool in Mesa.

We had so much fun at Son Frank's
home in Mesa. Grandson Seth is
performing for us.

Mary Jane's children had so
much fun with Frank's dog
Rocky. He is so gentle and yet
very friendly.

My grandson Kyle and me at
the Twin Falls temple. We were
on our way to shoshonee Falls
It was so fun to travel with two
of my grandchildren.

We enjoyed picking strawberries
with my sister Carol in Idaho. Also
Kyle and Lindsey had so much fun
picking corn with Aunt Dolores and
Uncle Clyde. I'm not sure I shared
their enthusiasm, as it brought back
hard memories. But we are enjoying
all the corn we brought back and
put in the freezer.

We had so much fun at my sister
Carol's and her husband Don's
home. She even taught us a new
polynesian dance.

goofing off with Brother Clyde
at the old home place in Idaho.
He is certainly heavier than all
three of us.

Me, proud grandma at baby
Travis' baptism. Picture is taken
in our back yard here. I have
a beautiful view out my window
of MountTimp.

I went fishing with Karl and DeAnna's
family and Mary and children. One
of our favorite things to do roast
marshmallows up American Fork
Canyon. We also like to ride our
bikes up there on the river trail.
It is great fun! And I can still keep
up with everyone.
Frank and Mary at granddaughter
Annalise's baptism.
Annalise and me below with her
in her beautiful baptism dress.