Thursday, December 16, 2010

At the Zoo in Omaha, Nebraska.

Granddaughter Sadie at the Zoo in Omaha

Grandsons Caleb and James In Jungle at the Zoo.

Grandsons Kyle and Nathan on Jungle Bridge

Grant and Robin; smooching!

Choo-choo, Let's Go!

Grant and Robin, forever together!

Robin and Mary Jane are riding sisters!

Me with my lovely daughters at the Zoo.

Grant and Robin peekaboo!

Dennis and Lissie in the desert

Cousins Kyle and James.

Grammie loves being with family!

Here we are! It's so fun!

Eating Thanksgiving pie with the Grandchildren--Yum!

Dennis carving the turkey, Mary's helping Travis.

Nathan loves playing the piano- Grammie gives him lessons.

How sweet. I love it!

Aunt Marci had Thankful Turkey feathers for us.

Thanks, Marci!

We love playing racket ball--Sabrina, Gramma, and Lindsey.

Grammie gave Lindsey a rose after dance recital. Lindsey is a great dancer.

Me and Nathan on the 'Titanic'.
I had a fun year with my family. Here are some pictures/videos of our vacation in Denver, with Karl and DeAnna and their family, and in Missouri, with Grant and Dennis and their families.
This is our family at winter quarters, in Omaha, Nebraska.
This is Grant at the family dance we held in a rented ballroom at the hotel in Omaha. He's singing 'Fried Ham'. Everyone loved it!
Above, everyone is dancing to 'The Ebay Song'. It was a big hit!
Above, Robin is teaching Sadie to dance.
The next 7 pictures were from when the kids dressed up as pioneers in the Omaha visitors center.
I had a fun time with family this year. Here are some pictures from Denver, with Karl and DeAnna and their family, and Missouri, with Dennis and Grant and their families.